Holy Trinity

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Memorial Index Part One
In 1985 an index of all memorials at Holy Trinity was created by the Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry.The first section lists the Grave Plot numbers and the second section has the Memorial Inscriptions transcribed into this format in May 2014.

Plans of the Churchyard
The Churchyard is divided into six sections and detailed plans can be found by clicking below


The Churchyard at Holy Trinity is a calm and peaceful place yet surprisingly busy. Many of the graves are tended regularly with considerable care and dedication. The Churchyard is kept in excellent order thanks to the hard work and general interest of several people but to maintain the grounds costs about £3000 annually and those with loved ones buried here are asked to consider making an annual contribution of £30.

People of Influence
A number of prominent citizens of Amblecote can be found here, along with three members of the Clergy who died in office. You can also find the graves of residents associated with the glass industry for which Stourbridge was once rightly famous.

War Graves
There are a number of war graves scattered around the churchyard which are looked after by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. A number of other war casualties are named on family graves although their loved ones may be buried in foreign fields.

Memorial Index Part 2 1985-2004
An update compiled by Doreen Easthope and Avril Williams in collaboration with the BMSGH is now available. This follows on from where Part 1 finished.

Headstones and Memorials
There are strict guidelines as to the type of headstones and memorials that are permitted in the Churchyard. These guidelines are in accordance with the regulations issued by the Diocese of Worcester.   

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