Holy Trinity

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Hiring the Church

Holy Trinity

Although Holy Trinity Church is primarily a Place of Worship it also is a facility for use by the wider community. The Parochial Church Council are keen to see the building host events that may well be enjoyed by those outside the Church family.
The Church is an ideal venue for musical evenings, concerts and presentations of all kinds.
The building is spacious, light and airy, has excellent acoustics, clear sight-lines and chairs rather than pews which give flexibility in seating.

The Church Hire page of the website gives more details of the costs involved in hiring the Church. You are also able to download hire application forms.

Hiring the Church Hall

The Church Hall is run totally separately from the Church and has its own Management Committee.
Although used occasionally by the Church the Hall should be viewed as a facility for use by the people of Amblecote and beyond.
Our hire charges are very reasonable particularly for regular hirers.

The Church Hall page of the website gives more details of the costs involved, facilities and days when the Hall is available for hire.