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Visitors’ Book

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I am searching for my Great Grandmother’s resting place; Florence Emma Green.   She died in Long Island in April 1963 and her cremains were sent to Amblecote Holy Trinity Church for burial, which I see listed as 20.06.1963 but there is no plot or marker number.   I have written to the archives but have not yet heard back from them.   

I am just starting my research for my mother’s family who were from Stourbridge, working in the glass trade.   Besides my mother, my great-grandmother was the only other person I’ve met or know of, as there were few descendants; she was my caretaker until she died so I feel a strong connection to her.    I hope to visit your church, and her, in the near future.   I will be most grateful if you can provide more information on the location of her remains.   

Thank you so very much in advance,

Denise Conway U.S.A.

Dear Denise,

I have looked at the original Burial Record and note that the burial of ashes took place on 7th July 1963 by the then incumbent Reverend Leonard Budge. There is a note on the record which points to the ashes being interred on the west side of the church. Now it is just a suggestion but there is a family grave for three people with the name Green listed as plot A71 which is also on the west side of the church. These are Charles Henry 22.08.1909 aged 61 years, Elizabeth 22.01.1928 aged 79 years and an inscription to their son Charles Harry who fell in the first world war 31.07.1917 aged 30 serving with the King’s Liverpool Regiment. Is there any family connection and is it possible that Florence’s ashes were interred there? If I can be of any further help please feel free to contact me direct using the link below.

Best wishes,            



I would be most grateful as I live in North Hereford and cant drive , Confirm for me please a headstone to Henry Bate 1905 and wife Sarah 1879: can you please Photo the stone.

Most grateful


Dear Jack,

Further to your request to find information about Henry and Sarah Bate I have some disappointing news.

Henry is certainly recorded as Henry Bate 19, Box Hill, Aged 60, Date of BURIAL 13.03.1905. Service performed by the Assistant Priest from Wollaston. Sadly in those days very few Priests added the grave numbers to the Burial Records hence the position of the burial is unknown.

The record of Sarah's death is no longer with us as records before 1904 were transferred to the Dudley Archives some years ago. Their address is Tipton Road, Dudley, DY1 4SQ (next to the Black Country Living Museum). Opening Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 9am to 5pm and Thursday:9.30-7pm.

Tel: 01384 812770

A number of people with the surname Bate are recorded in the Memorial Index (see below), which shows the inscriptions on all the marked graves in Holy Trinity, but neither Sarah nor Henry is mentioned. This means that I am unable to identify the grave and photograph the headstone for you as there simply is not one.

They are somewhere in the Churchyard but in an unmarked grave.

I wish I could have been more help as your request is something we get quite often and it is always a pleasure to be able to help in this respect.

Albert Edward, Annie,  Annie Sophia,  Freda Madge,  James William,  Joseph, Maria,  Norman

Best wishes,


Will let you know if i hear from Archives.

Henrys wife was eldest of ten children  Called Luck. My grandads grandmother was the daughter of Sarahs sister Minnie , who was 17 when Lily was born.

They left Wollaston for Mountain Ash  for work and both died there. When William died Minnie remarried, and unfortunately died in an asylum. Lilyhad a few chikdren, and named her eldest sin and daughter after her parents . My great Granddad was The second son, He left for Nottingham in 1925 Before marriage there and returning to hereford.

My grandad never met Lily, she died a few months before his birth in 1932  And they never spoke of her. The family even thought she died many years earlier. She was buried with her husband in herefordshire. They too moved here from mountain ash.

A lot of Luck aunts and uncles  were still alive.  They married inti Taylor family of Lye Waste and Oldswinford.

Could you check for 1937 burial of Charlotte Heathcock  And husband Thomas 1936


Sorry Jack,

I have searched the records and can find no reference to the burial of a Thomas or Charlotte Heathcock.



I am the Worcestershire churches maintainer for GENUKI , a free genealogical website.I am just checking your details. Wonderful to find such a busy informative church website. Sandra Williams.


Gilbert Barlow


A pleasure to visit your church on 2nd April 2016. Thank you for keeping it open. I have just completed a page for Amblecote on the website of Worcestershire and Dudley Historic Churches Trust.



Jonathan Kimber
Privilege to preside and preach at Holy Trinity Amblecote. Sense of holiness, devotion and welcome for all.


Sheila Davis
What a treat to find so many parish records available online. This is an amazing resource for people researching their family histories. Can I ask if there are any plans to add more of the earlier records? Also, would it be possible to have permission to copy the photo of your church from the website to illustrate my family tree? Many thanks.
Reply sent by e-mail.   Webmaster

Adam Edwards

Please pray for the repose of the soul of my nan, Ida Willetts, who went to her rest this afternoon aged 91 years. Jesu mercy, Mary pray

Ryan Whitlock


My question is about the bell ringing on Sunday mornings, Due to the fact of needing to sleep on Sundays should I expect the bells to be ringing every Sunday morning from 9am? Is it every weekend or every other week? And do they plan on playing an actual tune at some point in the near future or will I need to buy some ear plugs? I hate to be rude especially towards a church, but any normal person can see why I am slightly annoyed - all you need to do is google residents annoyed by church bells! Is there anyway you can change the time of ringing to after 10:30 ? Or should I put my house back on the market
Ryan Whitlock


Helen Standish-Bevan
I have recently found out that I have a family plot in your church which is plot B.50 which is the burial site for :
John Gulstan Standish
Sarah Edith Standish
Ive been told that my paternal grandmother is also buried in your church but despite visiting I cannot find her
Do you have a plot for a Gertrude Lillian Standish (nee Gunn)
Many thanks in anticipation of your co-operation
Helen Standish-Bevan
Reply sent by e-mail.   Webmaster

We seem to be getting an increasing number of e-mails asking about Baptisms which are intended for Holy Trinity Church at Wordsley even though Holy Trinity, Amblecote is clearly displayed at the top of each of our webpages. This has caused people to be directed to our Office Hour on Tuesdays but for them to mistakenly visit Wordsley only to find their Office closed (They open from 7.00-7.30pm on Wednesdays). I would dearly like to know what possessed the Churches to select identical names for two Church of England establishments both in the same diocese, but not the same Deanery and within two miles of each other. The Church at Wordsley predates Amblecote by some 11 years and so the people of Amblecote must be mainly responsible. If anyone can suggest why this happened please let me know.

Follow up:- Nick Baker of Amblecote History Society has mentioned to me that although now both are part of Worcester at one stage Holy Trinity at Amblecote was in the diocese of Worcester but Holy Trinity at Wordsley was in the diocese of Lichfield.


Barry Moore

I'm trying to contact a cousin Glenyse Whitehouse (nee Screen.I found a reference to that name via your website.My name is Barry Moore and through researching family history have by chance been contacted by two cousins who I have never met (Sharon and Sian).We have exchanged emails and photographs and they both think it would be nice to meet up for a chat in the New Year sometime.

Sian believes Glenyse lives in Brierley Hill but does not know the address.

If I have found the right person perhaps someone could pass this message on to Glenyse and maybe she might like to get in touch.

If I have the wrong person I'm sorry to have bothered you.


Barry Moore
Contacted and reply sent by e-mail.   Webmaster

David Hawkins
To update on the tree situation in the churchyard after we had the tree fall over back in June. We have had all of our trees tidied up and inspected; as a consequence of this, the tree next to the one that fell over was found to be infected with the same fungus. This tree was promptly removed before it became a safety issue. We do not believe any more of our trees are infected, but a regular inspection programme now needs to be undertaken going forwards.

Personally I think the church looks much better with the open aspect now that the excessive growth has been cut back, so thank you to the tree surgeons who did the work


Mike Fisher
Anyone with a garden must have found keeping on top of the weed and grass growth this Summer a complete nightmare. Just imagine having a garden the size of our Churchyard. I think a real vote of thanks should go to Colin, Matt, Maurice and David for their hard work in very difficult circumstances. So many churchyards are overgrown, tired and neglected whilst ours looks as though it is loved and cared for. If we could only get the badgers to do some strimming, weeding and mowing the job of our gardeners would be so much easier.

David Hawkins
It is good to see that the technical problems with this board have been sorted out; such a useful tool to pass information around - it really should be used more often to pass on "good news" as we all get enough "bad news" from the daily papers!"

The Bi-annual Stourbridge Festival of Glass takes place towards the end of the month. Holy Trinity is playing its part by staging an exhibition of work by past and present students of the University of Wolverhampton. The Church and Churchyard will form part of a tour which will look at our stained glass and visit the graves of the well known glass makers who are buried within the grounds. As we are proving refreshments for visitors the help of members of the congregation would be very much appreciated by providing cakes for the event.
The Festival runs from August 24th to the 27th and there will be a special service to commemorate the Glass makers past and present on Sunday, August 26th at 6.00pm.


David Hawkins
It was good so see so many more scouts and brownies at the parade mass this month; the Guides were on camp so could not attend - such a shame about the weather for them. Let's hope the scouts get better weather for their camp"


My sincere apologies for the fact that the Message Board and the Visitors’ Book have been offline for a little time. I have been concerned for a while that having two pages with a similar purpose could be confusing to visitors. I therefore decided to merge the two. However the task proved considerably more difficult and time consuming than I had expected  I have also had to alter the Contacts Page to reflect the changes.

Church Hall Management Committee

Many thanks to all the members of the congregation, friends and hirers who attended the celebration of the refurbishment of the Church Hall on Saturday night. The event was well attended and there was a really happy atmosphere around the building. The presence of the Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Melvyn Mottram J.P., who symbolically cut the red ribbon, and his wife Michelle was really appreciated. A special thanks must go the the ladies on the  management committee and to Maureen for the wonderful food. The wine too was very good. Photographs of the event can be found on the Information Page of our website.


Mr. M. Fisher
Congratulations to the Churchwardens and others involved in the speedy removal of the fallen tree in the Churchyard recently. Without the work of the tree surgeons Sunday services would have been severely disrupted or even cancelled. We were very fortunate that only a grave was damaged and the building was completely untouched. If the tree had fallen in the opposite direction it could have caused chaos as it would have certainly blocked the High Street which is one of the main roads into Stourbridge.

Mr. Martin Westwood
I was absolutely appalled when I read the news about a gravestone that has been called insensitive and ordered to be removed. I am unknown to the family of the diseased, but feel for them immensely. The gravestone is beautiful and very un-insensitive. If this is removed, myself and family will not be using this church again and speaking to other local church users, it seems the same view as mine, is there's too. Utterly Appalling. God must be so disgusted with this church.

Keith Percy

What a lovely church and brilliant website !  I have been collecting the full details of Anglican marriages of the name Whitehouse in the West Midlands and posting them on my website to enable free access.  I am lacking only ten, one of which is Albert Edward Whitehouse to Gertrude Ethel Tilley 30 Sep 1905 at your church.  I wonder whether you would be kind enough to let me have a full transcript, i.e. to include professions, addresses, names of fathers, professions of fathers, whether by banns and the names of the witnesses. I would be most grateful, as I live some 180 miles away.  
Kind regards, Keith
Reply and information sent by e-mail.  Webmaster


Christine Grasso

Hello to you all at Trinity from Sydney,Australia. I have been here a few weeks now visiting my Daughter Bianca and having such a wonderful time with her and of course enjoying being back to summertime!

Regards to you all


Pat & Bill Chapman - Deganwy, Conwy,

Whilst on holiday in Brittany recently I came across the grave of Revd W. H Mitchell. The address given on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site was Amblecote Vicarage. Was Rev Mitchell vicar of your church at the time of his death? Is he on the war memorial? If anyone is interested I have a photo of his grave.
Pat Chapman
Rev W H Mitchell was never Vicar of Amblecote nor Priest in Charge. The list of assistant priests stops after 1915 and so I have looked at the Burial Records to see if I can find a W. H Mitchell performing burial services from 1904 to 1955 and sadly no such entry exists. If he had worked at Amblecote I should have expected this.

There is no reference to a Mitchell on the Amblecote War Memorial and no one named Mitchell is in the Headstone Memorial Index. I am unable to shine any light on why his address is given as Amblecote Vicarage unless he was staying as a guest of the Incumbent. I have added your message to the Website Message Board in case anyone has more information to offer.


Kevin Petford
Researching my family and have discovered that my gt-gt-granddad John Wood is buried I believe at your church. Date 22nd OCT 1881. Would you have records of his location in the graveyard. And would a stone still be present, I have struggled to find any information but was intrigued to see you have glass makers in your website as my relative worked in glass making as a manager. If you can provide any information I would be most grateful,
Thank you for your trouble
Reply and photographs sent by e-mail.  Webmaster

Mrs Sue Heath Wombridge Shropshire
My parents used to attend your church sometime around the late 1940s to 1950's. I think Dad may have been an organist here too. My Godfather was E. H. Q. Smith, vicar until 1957(?). Mum and Dad made some good friends at Amblecote but, sadly, have lost touch over the years. the visit to your website has provided some closure for my Mum. Thanks very much

Michael Wass
John Hencher was a true friend. I missed him very much when he left Amblecote.
God be with you till we meet again.

Mrs Meredith Killingsworth Arlington, Texas, United States of America
I am extremely impressed with your website and all the information that it contains.  As a member of The Episcopal Church here in the United States, I am always very interested in our "Mother" church.  I am very pleased with the historical information available on your website.  Thank you for making this information available.God Bless.

Mrs Vanda Harris, Tain, Scotland

Liz Walker
Fr David -thank you for letting us know. Fr John was a Priest who inspired and brought his wealth of teaching and healing skills to this parish. He became somewhat elusive but I am so pleased he did keep some contact through this board. Our sympathy and prayers to those he loved and were dear to him. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Liz Walker

Fr David McGladdery - Vicar of Monmouth
This morning, I received the sad news of the death of John Hencher, who was your parish priest from 1964-1970.  I was his assistant in his last post, Chaplain to Monmouth School.  He retired in 2004.
A gentle and holy priest.  May he rest in peace.

Dave Francis
Dear Webmaster,
Please could you amend the details for leaders of Amblecote Scout Group. Both Carol and Myself have retired from Scouting some 12 months ago and we still receive phone calls about Beavers and Scouts.
Some have been quite rude and although your site may not be the source of their information it is still available to all with incorrect information. Thank You, Dave and Carol Francis  
Both names and contact details have been deleted as requested. I am so sorry that you have been troubled. It is always wise to notify the Webmaster direct if any of the information on the Church Website is incorrect or out of date. Webmaster.   

Dear webmaster
I have just had the pleasure of two people looking for me through your terrific site. Love all the improvements. First my cousin Jennifer Thomason who's query was dated as 20/7/2010 on the page. She is my cousin whom I haven't seen since the late 50s in the UK, and I now reside in Victoria Australia, and have tried to find her. I would love to hear from her so please do send her my email address. Directly Underneath Jennifer's request is one from a very dear lost friend !! Greg Daniels whose date of enquiry on the page  is 16/7/2010 and is a very very dear friend who left Australia for the UK some years ago, and lost touch through my moving frequently with my job here. I would be very pleased for you to send him my email address too. Yes he could help, especially as he is now living in the UK. Brilliant ! It is said that God moves in mysterious ways, even through the internet, and now this is proven to me. Webmaster, I really can't thank you enough. Kindest regards
Valerie Jean Cohen 
Your contact details have been e-mailed to both. Glad to be able to help. Webmaster

I'm currently a student at University and have been given an assignment based on a Church. I have decided to research Holy Trinity but one of the questions in my assignment is 'How would the congregation describe its attitude towards other world faiths?' and 'In what ways does it link up with other parts of the world?' I can't seem to see this info on the website so could you please help?
Many Thanks
Reply sent by e-mail.  Other replies should be made via the Message Board.  Webmaster

Polly Rubery
Hi Mike
I didn't find any errors in the burial registers, but just wanted to say what a marvellous resource they are, and to thank you, and if necessary anyone else involved with their transcription. Is there any chance that the baptism and marriage registers will be joining them?
Kind regards,  Polly
Reply sent by e-mail. Both Marriage and Baptism Registers are now available on the website. Webmaster

Mrs  Karen John, Glyncorrwg, Port Talbot, South Wales
What a truly fantastic website. I have recently taken over the writing of the weekly bulletin for our Church and am constantly on the lookout for information (being new to it).  I googled a search and found this site.  The only problem was that I spent ages going through all the links and enjoyed it so much that I didn't do my work. Well done.


Rev Andrew Law, Malvern, Worcestershire
An excellent, informative and helpful website.  Not only a fascinating introduction to the beautiful parish church of Holy Trinity, but also a wealth of resources - thank you!

Mrs  Diana Haney, Lisbon, Ohio, USA
I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the church where my great-great grandparents were married and also the photo of the Rev. John Boldero, the minister who married them. Thank you.

Karen Gilbert
I wonder if you can help? My Grandmother died in August 1937 at the Guest Hospital in Dudley and I would dearly love to trace her final resting place so that my Mother (now in her eighties) could finally visit her Mothers grave. My Mother was 12 years old at the time of her Mothers death and wasn't taken to the funeral nor does she know where she was buried. She was simply told she was buried at the Hospital. I have managed to trace a copy of my Grandmothers death certificate and having checked your burial records noted she wasn't listed. I have also enlisted the help of the Dudley Archive office, unfortunately to no avail. Her name was Florence Miles (nee Blackwell) and I wonder if you could suggest any other possible burial sites bearing in mind where she died as we know she wasn't buried at her home, Little Comberton, Worcs?  Thanking you in anticipation.
Reply sent by e-mail.  Webmaster.

Charity Fund Leleka International, Ukraine, Kiev
Dear Sirs,
The Leleka International Fund is an officially registered organization (the registration number 37219089 is at the Ministry of Justice in Ukraine). The main purpose of the Fund is to organize trips for Ukrainian children in order to benefit their health as they live around the Chornobylska area which makes a bad influence on them. We would like to offer you cooperation with our fund in order to provide trips for Ukrainian children. As the Fund pays a great attention to children that have problems with health, these kinds of trips will be a great possibility for them to benefit their health. It is also a great chance for children to learn languages and find new friends. It would be a great opportunity to build friendships and links between our countries, and give the children an enjoyable and educational holiday. We hope you will be interested in this socially important mission for children.
Faithfully yours,
The members of the Fund Leleka International

Hi, when was the church built?
On 7th August, 1841 the first stone of the building was laid by James Foster Esq. The Church was opened for divine service on Sunday, 7th August, 1842, and was Consecrated in November, 1844. More information can be found on the History Page
(An e-mail reply was sent but returned as undeliverable).  Webmaster

Ms. Allison King, Groton
I found information on my family "king" family that was very interesting

Emma Dowler
Our Memory Walk is being held on Sunday 12th September 2010 at Himley Hall, Dudley and we are looking for support from the local community.  Alzheimer's Society provides information, education, support and care to help people live their lives to the full.  750,000 people live with dementia in the UK today; nowhere near enough services are provided to meet their needs.  Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain and can affect anyone, there is currently no cure.  By taking part in our Memory walk you can raise money to help people affected by dementia.  All the money raised at Dudley Memory Walk will be used to support Alzheimer's Society services in your local area. To register for our Memory Walk please visit www.memorywalk.org.uk/dudley   or call 01384 295355 for a registration pack.  I hope you can join us and make our Memory walk a memorable day!
Kind regards, Emma Dowler Community Fundraiser - Birmingham & West Midlands Alzheimer's Society, Pensnett House, Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford DY6 7PP

jennifer thomason
please pass on my e'mail address to Valerie Cohen, long lost cousin!
It has been over four years since Valarie Jean Cohen last left a message - December 2005 and March 2006, and contact details are no longer available. If Valerie sees your message and contacts the webmaster with her details I can pass on your e-mail address. Please see a similar message below. Webmaster.

Greg Daniels
I noticed a message from Valarie Jean Cohen and I think I may know her from Victoria. Now living in UK if I can help her, I don't mind.
It is not always wise to publish a personal email address on a website as this can lead to you receiving huge amounts of spam. If the lady concerned contacts the webmaster, via the message board, then I can pass on your e-mail address. Webmaster

Ms Catherine Lowell, Wyandotte MI, USA
I am looking for my Father's Mother's relatives. This is the Whittingham family, married to the Lowell family through Conrnelius Lowell. I have searched the Memorial Index and the Burial Records which we hold at Holy Trinity since 1900 and there is no reference to anyone with the name of Lowell or Whittingham.
You need to be more specific if you wish to trace relatives and give some idea of their dates. If they died prior to 1900 the records are now held at the Dudley Archives - information elsewhere on our Website. To search the Marriage Records we would need much more information and there would be a charge for this service. One day I hope to be able to transcribe the Marriage Records but this is an enormous task. (Reply also sent by email)  Webmaster.
The Marriage Records from 1903 - 2010 are now available on the Parish Records page. Webmaster.

Mr. Roger Carden Depper, Malaga,Spain
Excellent website especially finding Jane Grier nee Lockwood wife of John William Grier. Could you please forward me email address to Mrs Robyn Coote who I would like to contact re the family. (Message in your Visitor's Book)
Reply sent by email  Webmaster

Becke Oberschulte
I am an ancestor of George Mears who supplied the Holy Trinity with a 1,232 pound Chapel Bell in 1859. I understand it has since been replaced in 1966. Does anyone know where the Mears bell is now located?
The Tower Captain, Colin Hill, has done some research. The PCC minutes of the meeting on January 23rd 1965 record the fact that an offer from Taylors, Bellfounders, to buy the existing bell for £270 was accepted. They can be contacted for more information at:-  John Taylor & Co., The Bellfoundry, Freehold Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 1AR. Telephone: +44 (0) 1509 212241 Fax: +44 (0) 1509 263305   Email: office@taylorbells.co.uk  Webmaster

This must be one of the best church web sites going.
Many congratulations. very interesting.

Mr Mark Room, Dudley email: rememberingyou.org.uk
I have been reading some of the lovely posts here many from those over seas who have found their loved ones laid to rest. This graveyard is very well maintained but I run a small business in the area called Remembering You Grave Tending that tends graves for those who can't if I can be of help to anyone please contact me via the web master or google

Mrs Robyn Coote, Durban, South Africa:
I found your website while researching my family history. I have only recently discovered that the Rev. John William Grier was my Great Great Great Grandfather. We hope to visit his grave in about August 2010. I would be most interested to know if you hold any documents relating to his family history. It was fantastic to see the photo's of his grave and the memorial to his son Lyndon John.
Robyn Coote
Reply and photograph sent by e-mail Webmaster

Rev Theodore Edwards, Bradenton, Florida
What a wonderful website and full of Anglicana. I will refer my parishioners to it. What would be helpful is information on how to observe Saint George's Day on April 23rd. Thank you!

A most interesting follow-up message -  24/05/2010
And thank you for that information, Michael. I had guessed that at the low key affair of it all. I am Rector at Saint George's Episcopal Church in Bradenton, Florida. We just did the best we could for the day. My ancestry is Welsh, and I found pretty good resources for St. David's Day. I am a retired Navy Chaplain from the U. S. Navy, and along the way I served on personnel exchange with the Royal Navy in Portsmouth. In 1992 and much of 1993, I was Ship's Chaplain in HMS Ark Royal.  Wonderful duty!
Not that often that I get to the UK anymore, but I  hope to visit next time.  Meanwhile, you have a terrific website and very full of great information.  Congrats on that!
Yours, aye!
Ted Edwards +

Mr. Paul Hibberd, Kidderminster
Found your great site while researching my family tree. What a wealth of information you have recorded! Two of my Great uncles, Samuel and William Morris are mentioned on the Twelve Boys Memorial, however it seems they did not make it onto the Lych Gate Memorial. Do you know why that was? I have found both boys mentioned on the Commonwealth War Memorial site although there is no known grave for either of them which was sadly the case for many of the soldiers lost in the great war.
Reply sent by e-mail Webmaster

Mr. Kyle McCallum, Banchory, Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire
I discovered your website via a Google search for the meaning and background of the Reserved Sacrament. Thank-you for a superb web-site, very informative and so well organised and presented, and for letting us know what an active, spiritual, questing and worshipping congregation you are. Your sense of community and devotion is inspiring. I don't know your area, but you certainly entice a visit if ever in the district. As organist, best wishes to your congregation, from St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Carden Place, Aberdeen.

Robert Elsam
I am a great-grandson of the legendry John Northwood. I visited the churchyard three years ago and was delighted to find the tomb together with its famous adornment.I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate on this website photos of that tomb, as well as some of the Richardson family, the Pargters, and others who helped to make the "Black Country" world famous.
Thanks Robert Elsam
Research has shown that John Northwood is not buried at HolyTrinity, Amblecote but probably at the Holy Trinity Church,  Wordsley.  Webmaster


A L Barker
Thanks to your wonderful website, and the fact that you have left the old gravestones in place, I have just been able to find the grave of my great great great grandfather William Hale, plus his second wife Mary (who was the sister of his first wife, Sarah, my ggg grandmother) and Mary and Sarah's mother Mary Horobin - my gggg grandmother!  I was amazed to discover on my visit today that work has been going on to renovate the grave, with new turf being laid and the brickwork being fixed, despite the fact that the last burial was that of Mary Hale in 1908. I would love to know why this is! Are there other descendents of William around? William was an interesting figure. He was born near Bristol into a family of earthenware pot dealers. He took to the road as a pot hawker and travelled around the country before marrying Sarah, who was from Chesterfield, in Brierley Hill. He then settled down and became a publican. Sarah died soon after the marriage so William married her sister Mary instead! Eventually William and Mary moved to Kidderminster, where they both died, but they were brought back to Amblecote for burial with their young daughter Cecelia who had died aged 5. There is more info about the pubs that William was the landlord of on the midlandspubs website (I supplied them with this info). Mary's mother Mary Horobin was married twice; her daughter Elizabeth married into a gypsy family and lived in a travelling wooden caravan. She was imprisoned in Shrewsbury jail for theft in the 1880s! I have left some flowers on the grave, I don't get to the Black Country very often as I live in London but I will make sure I pop by whenever I am in the area. Once again, thank you so much for keeping the old gravestones in the churchyard!
Antonia Barker
It would appear that the maintenance was part of 'Adopt a Grave' an idea suggested and initiated by Martin Davis. Webmaster.

Miss Michelle Halfmann, Midland, Texas
I have been looking (for almost a week now) for great explanations on the colours & vestments, gestures, and multiple other things that I have found on your website. Thank you so much! You have answered my prayers! Now I can better explain things to my boyfriend who is taking the RCIA classes!!

Mr Stephen Rice
Diocese of Chelmsford:
A wonderful, informative site. A great resource.
Stephen Rice
Fire Safety Evangelist, Diocese of Chelmsford/Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

Mrs  Viney, Lower Gornal
Excellent site, just having a browse to get address for Emily's birthday party in October
Joanne, Stuart & Emily.  xx BOING BOING.xx

Barbara Banner,  Amblecote
Hi David in Worcester.
Thank you for remembering me. Holy Trinity is certainly still thriving and I hope you will visit us again sometime. I think the last time we met was when Al and I were at a jazz festival at Upton-on-Severn (many years ago!!!) I hope all is well with you and your brother Peter - and as our dear old teacher George Yardley used to say "may the road wind with you and the wind be ever behind you,"
God Bless,

Mr. David Cartwright, Worcester
A lovely site, well constructed and very informative. I grew up in Amblecote: my parents kept Amblecote Institute in Collis Street for many years until 1966 (coincidentally the same year Amblecote lost its independence). I recall one time, when I was about fourteen (golly! was I ever fourteen?), the church was chosen by the BBC for its Sunday Morning service (radio, of course: this was 1957...). Never had the church seen such a congregation, it spilled out onto the driveway. Such was the power of the media. in those far off halcyon days. I am pleased that Holy Trinity is still thriving. I have travelled extensively and feel very saddened by the deterioration and abandonment of our beautiful churches. Please pass on my regards to Barbara Banner: we were at school together!
Love and peace
david cartwright

Ms Lorna Willetts, Stourbridge
Firstly, I would like to praise you for the website. It is very helpful and informative and has given me nearly all of the information I was looking for. I am helping someone trace their families graves to visit and have learned that they are buried at your churchyard. I am looking for 3 graves in particular. I myself have been searching around the churchyard in the last two days and unfortunately have not managed to find them. Is there any way of finding where these graves are? They are: Sidney Kirkham, buried 30/11/1957; Agnes and Elizabeth Kirkham, buried 4/3/1936 and Agnes Maria Walker buried 20/02/1953. Any help would be gratefully received. Once again thank you for having such an informative website.
Reply sent by e-mail  Webmaster

Father John and Christine
Greetings from Australia. We are enjoying our time seeing the family in their new surroundings. Also we have spent a few days in Mooloolaba, on the east coast, and will fly to Sydney for a week in June. The normally wonderful Queensland weather has changed recently, with high winds and heavy rain, parts of the area being declared disaster zones! See you all soon.
Love from Fr. John and Christine

w e roberts (ernie)
really pleased about the web site and its obvious continuing success. I had a discussion with a friend recently about the pelican and remembered the entry on this site some time ago Father Paul at the time spoke about the pelican and how it feeds its young , my friend thought I was making it up , however I will be pleased to mention the ritual is correct so nice to see names of friends still as members of the church must visit again soon.

Miss Tina Round, Brierley Hill. West Midlands.
A note to thank you for your brilliant website. I found that my Great Great Grandparents are both buried in the churchyard and have memorials. My father and I spent a lovely afternoon searching for their graves, but unfortunately could not find them. Are there any grave references which would point us to where John Henry Round buried 22/7/918 and his wife Sarah Ann Round buried 28/3/1910 have been laid to rest? It would be wonderful to be able to pay our respects. I echo the thoughts of others, who wish all churches had a dedicated website such as yours. Thank you again in anticipation.
Information, photographs and plans sent by e-mail. Webmaster


Tamara Lough
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the time and effort that has been put into creating this website. My great great grandparents were married in this church, and I was so thrilled to be able to find some pictures of it. I have been researching my family history for quite sometime, but to get really good pictures is a little difficult for me because I live in Canada. When I came across this website, I knew I had been given a gift. Thank you so very much.

Lynda Clifft
This site is great. I was very excited about the plan of the graves. I found my gt x 4 grandparents graves. Very emotional. I must visit next time I am in the UK.
Lynda in Spain

Tina Round  Brierley Hill   West Midlands.
Have recently been researching my family history and stumbled upon your wonderful website whilst looking for information about my Great Great Grandfather John Henry Round, who had been a lay preacher in Amblecote. To find both him and my Great Great Grandmother Sarah Ann listed as being buried in your churchyard was fantastic. Thank you so much for taking the time to build such a wealth of information. God bless.  Tina.

Mr Alan Bartlett    Shipston on Stour      Warwickshire
This is an excellent website. I was very pleased, to find in the Parish Records, the details of the burials of my Grandparents and other people I knew when I lived in Amblecote (King William Street) for the first 26 years of my life.

I am researching on behalf of the Friends of Croome Park the seat of the Earls of Coventry. Discovery has been made of the grave of William Dean Head Gardener for 40 years at Croome. His wife Mary Dean however moved to Stourbridge after his death (1831) and she is buried at Amblecote Church. She died on 20 August 1857. Would you have an indication of where in the churchyard Mary Dean might be buried. No memorial is listed on the web and it might be that any stone is now illegible. Any help would be most gratefully received. I was brought up in Amblecote and know the church well!
Reply sent by e-mail.   Webmaster

Ian Robinson
I am currently researching my wife's family tree and have found this site. She is the great great grand-daughter of Horatio and Harriet Booth. Would it be possible to forward a photo of their graves? Thank you for a very informative site
Information and photographs sent by e-mail,  Webmaster

Caroline Matthews
I am researching my family history and was wondering if anyone could enlighten me. My Mother's maiden name is Dovey, I knew my Grandad, Ralph Norman Dovey (who had 4 daughters and married a Leslie Woodward, but not sure of the year) and his Daughter Rosemary (Dovey) Ellsum, who are both buried in Holy Trinity churchyard. I know that my Great Grandparents are also buried here, but do not know their names. I have looked through the burial records and found someone who I believe to be a Great Uncle, Joseph Dovey (died 1959). I have also found a Mary Elizabeth Dovey, who died at 2 (1925) but cannot find a trace of her parents, or any other Dovey name until 1954, who is a Beatrice Dovey 60 years old. Did anyone know the Dovey family or have any idea of any other Name connected with the family. I believe that there is no Dovey's living in Stourbridge, does anyone know any different? Any information would be helpful, thank-you so much (email: cazz4ian3@hotmail.com)
Reply sent by e-mail   Webmaster

Mr Phillip Dunn, West Jordan, UT, USA
What a great tribute your website is for this wonderful, and beautiful countryside chapel/parish--where my "Dunn" ancestry once resided. Thank you for the virtual tour!

Miss Kathy Ford, Bicester
What a fantastic website! - stumbled across whilst doing some family history research for a friend. If only every church in the UK had such a comprehensive site - you have thought of everything. Now looking forward to visiting the church itself in 2009.


Bill and Pauline Brown, Weymouth, Auckland, New Zealand
I was searching my wife's family side in the 1871 English Census, for a John & Catherine Whittingham, their son Richard my wife's Great grandfather was born in Amblecote in 1847, & he was listed in the 1851 Eng Census though the address was written where they were living, this was unreadable, but on searching through your most informative site, I found the correct spelling of Brettell Lane amongst the departed souls in your cemetery lists. This is a most excellent site! God Bless you all for it.
Thank you .

Rev Dr Bob Clarke,  Parys, Free State, South Africa
I am the Rev Dr Bob Clarke, a Parish Priest at St Edwards, and am also the Director of the Prayer Union for Israel. Licensed in both the CESA and the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. Your site is informative and gives a clear overview of the Church of England. Thank you.

Jenni Jones  Cooma,  Australia
Hello, I'm researching family history and as I live in Australia could use some help. My great grandfather was Alfred Oliver and great grandmother, Mary Maria Oliver. I found these names in the list of memorials on your site. There are seven Olivers in total on the memorials' list. Would anyone be able to send more information about these seven memorials? I have also discovered that an Alfred Oliver was a church verger in Amblecote, passing away in 1911. Is there any record of this fellow? My dad's name was Frederick, so I am particularly curious if the Horace Frederick Oliver memorial is a relation too. I am not certain, though it seems likely, that these folks are "mine" so any further info dates etc would be so very much appreciated. Many thanks,
Jenni Jones
Information and photographs sent by e-mail  Webmaster

Jayne Breese
Information sent twice by e-mail but bounced back as undeliverable.  Please contact the  Webmaster with a working e-mail address.

Mr Paul Heelas    Maidenhead
Congratulations on producing such an informative website. I spend many hours trying to keep our local site up to date and interesting. I have a long way to go when compared with your tour de force.

I am attempting to trace details of Cecil Clement Bianchi, can anyone help me with this.
Many Thanks
Information and photographs sent by e-mail      Webmaster

Approaching Apocalypse
Revelation is coming to Birmingham
Please let your congregation know about a unique one hour show which brings the Book of Revelation alive for a 21st Century audience. It's called 'Approaching Apocalypse' and it can be seen at St Martin-in-the-Bullring Church in Birmingham from Mon 10th - Fri 14th November at 8pm and Saturday 15th November at 6pm. Described as '...an awe-inspiring glimpse into one of the most enigmatic texts in history', 'Approaching Apocalypse' is an event which invites anyone who wishes, to have a unique encounter with the Book of Revelation For one hour, the audience will be surrounded by a soundtrack of readings and music devised by a contemporary composer and an award winning documentary producer.They will see images from the Book of Revelation created by a specialist in digital visualisation. The text is a new translation and is read by some of the UK's leading actors.The images for this are the result of more than ten year's work and their creator has gone back to the original Greek text, and then used digital illustration techniques to generate pictures which correlate as accurately as possible with the text itself. It Is believed that this is the first time anyone has ever undertaken such a task.  The artists involved offer no interpretation of the text, but rather, invite you to come along and engage with the Book of Revelation for yourselves afresh. Tickets can be bought from: www.birminghamboxoffice.com 0121 303 2323. Ticket prices: adults £7, concessions £5. Pre-booking is essential.
With best wishes The Approaching Apocalypse Team
See our website at: www.approachingapocalypse.com or contact us by emailing: ask@approachingapocalypse.com

Mrs Jeanne Phipps  Kingswinford
We came to see the graves of those associated with the glass trade as part of the glass festival. We were made most welcome and learnt much of the history of the area. A welcome cup of tea and delicious homemade cakes.

Papua New Guinea Church Partnership
Dear Friends,
...your prayers are asked for Archbishop James/Provincial Council meeting in Lae from 9th June, and for the bishops as they prepare to travel to UK for the Lambeth Conference, arriving in UK on 4th July.   But also to let you know (in case you didn't...) that Canon Ted Kelly's 50th anniversary of ordination was on 1st June, and he is celebrating the happy anniversary this coming Sunday at St Peter's, Petersfield, with Ruth and the family.   Ted, who is a Canon of Dogura Cathedral, was Organising Secretary of PNGCP for 18 years until 'retiring' to Trowbridge in July 1987.   I'm sure you'll be thinking of him on Sunday, 8th June, as I will....
Best regards, as ever, Chris   (Chris Luxton - PNGCP Secretary)

Amblecote Church family
Fr John & Christine
Delighted you are having a wonderful time - hope it is warmer than here and no gales - British Bank holiday weather all week; another wet car boot sale! Rose Hill is 90 on Sunday big gathering and celebrations - Mary not good but did open her eyes and speak today which is an improvement. All well otherwise but we are missing you and look forward to your return. The Orchids are looking very well but are looking forward to going home!! Take care and safe journey's

Greetings from Fr. John & Christine Corker from Australia....
We have been on the Gold Coast for 2 weeks now and tomorrow will be flying up to Port Douglas at the top of Australia. We are having a wonderful time, best wishes to all!

Interesting comment re the registers. I would suggest that our registers are still here. I know the 20th century registers are in our keeping because I checked our wedding in 1959. The registers if not with us are probably in the Worcestershire archives as Amblecote was in Worcestershire until 1974, these were at St Helen's but may have moved in recent years. There was a Yardley family connected to the church and I remember a Brian Yardley who was in Scouts in the 1950 - 60's. If you would like me to check and if you believe it to be the same family I am sure we could help.
Liz Walker
Information for other readers Records of marriages since 1900 are still kept at Holy Trinity. The 'Parish Records' page on this site now lists which records we still hold and which have been transferred to the Dudley Archives. Webmaster

What a fantastic site! Thank you. I "googled" Holy Trinity, Amblecote hoping to find an email address so I could ask why marriage registers for 1907 are not at the Dudley Archives. I live in USA and visited England last year to research my YARDLEY family. Dudley Archives do not have any Holy Trinity, Amblecote marriages since 1902. And I have about eight marriages after that date that I would like to find. However, I am enjoying this site and have bookmarked it so I can return to read some more.
Thank you, Yardsley Macpherson

jayne breese
hi I am tracing my breese family tree and i know that my great granma and grandad lived in 17 brettle lane in amblecote. and they also lived
in collis street. they were called lucy and william breese they about 9 children my grandad there son was called david clifford breese. does anyone have any old photos or any information about them that could be sent to me. i know that there 2 sons died in ww1.i would be most gratefull. thank you
kind regards  jayne breese.
Dear Jane,
If you look at the archived messages (below) for 15/06/05 to 28/06/05 you will see messages from Graham and Mike Breese along the same lines, together with some information that I was able to find about the two boys who are commemorated on the Amblecote War Memorial.
Regards,   Webmaster

Mr Robert Hamilton:
excellent web site

Rev. David Burgdorf, Rancho Mirage CA, USA
Congratulations to all on the impending blessing of Fr. Alan Williams' new ministry at Holy Trinity, 23 April. As a Third Order Franciscan brother of Fr. Alan, I value his humanity, holiness and humor.
May God bless you all in your lives together.
David Burgdorf,  St. Margaret's, Palm Desert, CA

Mrs Jane Lane, Crayford, Kent
I can't believe I stumbled across your web site while I was researching about vestments for one of my home group sessions. I have the basics as I did a project with Marj Batham when we did the Bishops Certificate back in the early 1990's. You have a great site and full of info which I shall certainly use. A big "Hello" to everyone that stills remember us. Amblecote is still dear to our hearts and we wish Fr. Alan well in his new post.

We are a Christian Couple who attend St Mary's Church in Chard, Somerset. We have a self-catering Studio Holiday Accommodation to let for 2 people. Would you be able to let your congregation know about us?  Our website is www.windyridgeholidays.co.uk    01460 64573 for more details.
We look forward to welcoming you to a lovely part of the West country.
Thank you for your time. God Bless Dave and Ann Stuckey

Mrs Pamela Elliott, East Maitland Australia
Excellent site worthy of recommendation of which l shall do. May the Lord continue to bless all concerned with this site and all that is being done within the Church.


Fr Alan Williams
After the announcements in both parishes on Sunday, I'm now able to say to you how much I am looking forward to being the Parish Priest of Amblecote. In the meantime I need to concentrate a while longer on pastoring my flock here in Malvern. It will be great to get to know you all in the years to come.

Liz Walker
Church Hall - good news  Thanks to the efforts of a number of stalwarts the Church Hall is undergoing a face lift. The good news is that by carefully conserving and managing the church hall funds the management committee have begun a programme of renovation and decoration. The really good news is that we have secured a grant of £5000.00 from the Stourbridge Area Committee to replace all the windows in the hall and that work is now already underway. We owe a hugedebt of gratitude to Ron Jones who comes to our rescue when needed and has already begun the work on replacing the windows. To the Church Hall management committee well done - you should be proud of yourselves and thanks for all your support.

Mr John Stanning, Winchester
A good and comprehensive site. Congratulations! Just one niggle: the Colours & Vestments page says that as the priest puts on the chasuble he prays "O Lord, who said: My yolk is easy ...". Yolk? Go to work on an egg? No! "My yoke is easy ...", please!!!
Many thanks for spotting the mistake which has been corrected. Webmaster

To all at Year 2 at Peters Hill.
It was wonderful to have you all yesterday and you all listened so well, asked very good questions and explored lots of things in the church. The thing I liked best was your happy, smiling and pleased faces, the way you were so well behaved and your wonderful singing and all the actions. We all hope you will come again, perhaps when we have something special for children, or at Christmas or even if youwant to come at any time. I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Work hard and if you do any pictures or some writing about your topic perhaps all our other friends could share it on a display in church. Thanks for using our message board, lots of people all over the world will now know you have visited our Christian home. If you want to see more pictures and photographs they are all on our web -site. With our thanks to all those who brought you and our prayers for all that you do.
With love from Amblecote Church
(Year two from Peter's Hill Primary School, in our Parish, visited Holy Trinity on Wednesday, 3rd October).

lia clift
Thank you for letting us come to your church. The best thing about the aftonoon was rinning the bels.

callum newey
to the cherch r loved lesuing to the bell

Zara Waseem
Thank you for leting us touch the things

Francesca Mason age 7 Petershill School
We went to visit Amblecote Church yesterday 3rd October and what I liked best was hearing the orgon.

to mrs walker.I really enjoyed it. I loved felling how cold the water is.

I lkooi rid the bell.

Chloe Holden  age 6 Petershill School
Yesday in the church my best thing was the urgen.

Thank you Mrs Walker fur yur turk.

I likt the sag i likt efrefig evun the trufey

jack french age 6 Petershill School
I hoap you have goob time. are you having fun therein the church.

ilikt the stag vere mut evry fig

I IN JOYED LISSIN TO THE ogner and i like it when you let us exsplore.and i like the neels becuas they had loveliy patants the ogner wosed as loued as i thut it was but it was very very good.the bells wher loued i was happy and my qwesn was why are ogners so loued it was a bit qwit but i still loved it and it was grat and i loved the widoweds they had a loveliy panant i now it tells a storry and i all so saw all the medul that you had they were all sinyand i had never benn bofer i rilly wouled like to go their again so thaky you for ivoitin us and a cuss the plopl who in volled but i rilly liked the ogner man he was the best my dad thot it was a trik ogner c

L Davies
Thank you for a lovely afternoon yesterday, all of year 2 really enjoyed it. Thank you to all the people involved, it was super.

Mrs Youngblood, Anchorage, Alaska
It was so nice to see your simple line drawings of vestments on the color page of your site. I hope you can add a page on gestures. It is so difficult to find nice undistracting  illustrations of things like the priest's gestures during mass and those of the people in the congregation. Thank you for all of your work, it is much appreciated.
Reply sent but returned as undeliverable. Webmaster

Miss Jayne Marie Breese, Kidderminster
Hi, my name is Jayne Breese. My family worked at the glass factory in Stourbridge. My granddad was David Clifford Breese son of William and Lucy Breese. I would love to know more about them. If anyone knows any thing any thing at all I would be very grateful and if anyone has any photos that would be most appreciated.
Kind regards
Jayne Breese.

Mrs  H  HIGGS, Staffordshire UK
I found your website while looking for information for my sons RE homework, I found what I needed and so much more. I will be returning to this site time and again. Thank you to all those responsible for this site, keep up the good work

Heather Eggers New Zealand
Congratulations on a really informative website! Several years ago my sister and I were searching for relatives on a trip from our homes in New Zealand and found the grave of our great grandparents Horatio and Harriet Booth in the Churchyard at Holy Trinity. We were really thrilled and have photos as a keepsake. I see they are on your list of marked graves. Their memorial is certainly quite large which I guess may be because they were reasonably well off, being the owners of Booth Bros. Dial Foundry Ltd in Dial Lane, Amblecote. They had previously rented premises at the Platts from John Guest. (I assume the Glassmaker in the Platts Glassworks.) Has there ever been any historical literature on the Ironmakers in the area? The Booth family were certainly foundry makers between 1894 and 1917 but probably even later as the sons took over the business on Horatio's death in 1917. If any of your parishioners have any knowledge of their descendants we would love to hear from them. My grandparents Ethel May Booth and Wilfred Chambers were married at Holy Trinity in January 1919 by L.C. Littlewood as the Booth family were living at The Limes, King William Street at that time. I was interested to note from the website that this street was named after William King, the claymaster. Thank you for the opportunity to send a message via your site. If we get back to the UK one day I would like to visit again.

Mrs Olga Dubonos, St Petersburg
Dear friends!
Our vocal ensemble "Soloists of St. Petersburg" a cappella (voice only) consisting of six professional singers ( 3 female and 3 male ) from Russian Orthodox churches, choirs and opera companies addresses here to all lovers and to all experts of the Christian vocal tradition and of the Russian Orthodox church music and singing in all corners of the world. We are trying to bring together friends of such historical art and culture by singing in ecumenical worships traditional liturgical Russian hymns like Gloria, Alleluia, Sanctus, Lord's prayer etc. using masterpieces of the famous Russian composers such as P.Tchaikovsky, S.Rahmaninov, D.Bortniansky and others. Our concerts last about one hour (in case of two-part concerts 1,5 hors including a short interval). The first part of our concert consists of Russian Orthodox sacred music, the second part is Russian folk songs. In spite of the fact that our audience can not always understand Russian the people are frequently moved by the beauty of the melodies. We have already achieved our success in various countries as Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, the U.K. In Spring-Summer(May-June)2008 we are planing to visit Great Britain again and we should be grateful for your kind assistance in promoting this initiative in the U.K. We hope to sing for you at your Church! In every case of interest please get in touch with us. We are waiting for your kind request and remain always at your service.
All participants of "Soloists of St. Petersburg"
conductor Olga Dubonos

Mrs Helen Gibbs, London UK
Splendid website! I was searching for information and photos of artefacts to use in children's worship at our church. Very informative, I'm sure I will visit again!

Mr  M. Farmer, Philadelphia, PA:
I came across the discussion of the motto "Spes Tutissima Coelis" while doing some research on the King family (whose motto it is, among others), and thought I could clear things up for you. It means "the surest hope is in heaven." Tutissima is the superlative, feminine to match "Spes," "hope." "Coelis" means "in heaven" - the nominative singular is "coelum," but in Latin heaven is almost always plural, as this is here. One could in fact say "in coelis" but the preposition is unnecessary and makes poor Classical Latin.

Rev  Br Thomas OSA, Westport, Ontario, CANADA
What a wonderful webpage ! I was searching for expanded information on Liturgical Colours... yours is, by far, the best illustrated and informative! Keep up the great work !
Blessings !

w e roberts (ernie)
hi everybody,
just visited the web site still the best, thanks to mike your web master who must spend a lot of time updating and keeping things in order, I am still in the area but found a calling I suppose to visit st micheals brierley hill nothing wrong with holy trinty, thank you for your warmth and friendship when I did spend time personally with you. will call again. take care all
ernie roberts

Rev Bill Compton
Hi Jim.
Photos I received. Thanks

Mr Yurij Sloboduanuk, Kiev,Ukraine
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Board of the "Leleka" Fund is writing to the organisations, to the firms and to the persons with a hope that we will find a support and help in our work. The "Leleka" Fund is an officially registered organisation/the registration number is OO37-97 in The Ministry of Justice in Kiev City / The Fund unites citizens who wish to take part in help to Ukrainian children in organising recuperative trips and improving the children’s health. The Board of our organisation has prepared a new project "Clean air" the main aim of which is organising recuperative trips for children and youth from Ukraine who live in the contaminated by radiation areas after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. We ask to pass our address to your readers and hope that it will help to find some families or organisations which would be able to receive Ukrainian children for 2-3 weeks and would give them an opportunity to breath clean air and to eat fresh, free from radiation food. It would be a great opportunity to meet your culture and traditions as well. Anyone who can help should write to the LELEKA Fund at: P.O.Box 328,Kiev-2, 02OO2, Ukraine. Fax: OO38+O44+5624119   e-mail: fund_leleka@ukr.net
With the best wishes
Yurij Slobodyanuk Chairman of the Boad

Mrs. Lynne Roberts, Perth Western Australia
 am a member of St Christopher's Parish, City Beach. I prepare the pew sheet on a weekly basis with news, interesting items and information on the Saints and Commemoration days. I use your website for the information and articles to use on our sheet. Thanks is it really useful and informative. The saints' calendar and stories of the saints is brilliant.

Ray Easthope  Australia
What a wonderful website thank you John and Doreen for telling us about it keep up the weeding and flower arrangements they are out of this world catch you later love
Ray and Dolores

Thank you so much for developing this web site. I am a churchwarden of a tiny parish in West Dorset (Total population 110) and struggling to make sense of leading services when our one stipendiary priest is unable to attend. (He has a further 15 parishes to look after, so even with the help of retired clergy, we are streeeetched!) Your website is extremely informative, helpful, and a great starting point when
 putting a service together. It also gives me ideas how we could develop the same tool to help bind our team of parishes together. Have you any objections if I present your website as a model which we can try to emulate, and if not have you any objections if we actually copy some of the generic pages eg Holy Days, Vestments etc, or have you taken these off a central C of E site?
Many thanks once again
John Colton,  St Giles Church, Hooke.

Fr Antony, Jane & Nicola
To Everybody at Holy Trinity, Thank you for the lovely website and photos of Fr. Paul's farewell. Although not with you in person, we have been with you in prayer & spirit, the day when Fr Paul retired a day when we all knew would come and you will all feel it after so many years of faithful service. It is with affection and love that we had the pleasure in sharing ministry at Amblecote from 1990 to 1994 and we will not forget to recall happy times together and especially the wisdom of Paul's ministry that enabled me to go on and serve both at the Straits and now at St. Paulinus Crayford, where I now am doing the training and it is not always easy! Thank you Paul for shared ministry as fellow priests of the Lord and more importantly perhaps your friendship over the years. May you have a long and deserved retirement. To the people of Holy Trinity, the interregnum will now be underway and be assured of our prayers that God will guide the right person to service at Amblecote in the future. May this time be fruitful and rewarding as we all grapple with the real issues of proclaiming our Risen Lord to a confused and complicated world.
PAX Yours in Christ
Fr Antony.

Liz Walker
To everyone who has contributed and that must mean everyone in the church family to the events of today - Easter Sunday a huge thank you. It was difficult and many of us I am sure were overwhelmed by the emotion of this amazing day. Mike's insertion of the Flowers onto the website means hopefully more can appreciate the sheer beauty and talents of the flower arrangers and to appreciate the setting. For all the words, the wonderful music, the organisation, the liturgy and the sheer numbers of people who came to wish Father Paul well - a happy retirement and Oh how we will miss him. He clearly said we will move on and we will give thanks to God for Father Paul, Moira, Clare, Ruth, Pete and Jack and all those who have given and shared so much today. Colin and John and Mike for making today happen so remarkably - God be praised

Janet Bryan & Barrie Bryan
Barrie and I attended Holy Trinity up until 1988 when we moved to Cheshire. I was confirmed at Holy Trinity and would like to be able to send a gift to Father Paul to mark his retirement. Is there a collection?Barrie's Mother's ashes are interred in the Church yard and we would also like to send a donation for the up keep of the grounds. If you could also let us know the date of his last service we would love to attend although I am sure places will be limited.
Janet Bryan

Liz Walker
I have had a query in my capacity as a local councillor from a local resident about the state of the church railings. Can we know when they are likely to be repaired - please. I hasten to add that Dudley MBC cannot accept responsibility for this but in the eyes of the public this is yet another eyesore on our landscape and will we please rectify it as soon as possible. 
Reply by the Hon. Treasurer
I have been attempting to deal with this situation since the day after the damage and am, it seems, in constant communication with the various parties involved in the insurance claim. In fact there are seven parties involved including ourselves. As the railings are cast iron very few firms were able to tender for the work and the Diocese of Worcester insists that the repair is of a very high standard. Our insurers have agreed to meet the claim (approximately £30,000) in the first instance. I have, this very morning, received authorisation from the Loss Adjuster for the work to begin. Bob Tolley our Church Architect and the Iron Foundry can now begin the pattern making and casting but they would not expect to undertake any site-work until March or April. As soon as I have any more information I shall post it here.
Mike Fisher.


The Revd Dr Andrew Teal
Father Paul used to come into Amblecote Primary School when I was a child there, and has worked steadily and selflessly at Amblecote. I will give thanks for him in my prayers and offer a Eucharist for him and the parish. Please let me know when Fr Paul's final Service is, I would love to come if possible.

Liz Walker
Father Paul Tongue Vicar of this parish since December !970 is retiring to Worcester in May 2007. Please contact the parish through the message board if you have contacts, reminiscences or wish to know further details of his last services at Holy Trinity.

Mrs  Yvonne Lay, Sunbury, Australia.
Thank you for your website. It is very good. I stumbled across it looking for my Dunn family as I do Genealogy as my hobby. I think your photos of your church and graveyard are lovely. I have really enjoyed your site.
Yvonne Lay. Australia.

gray (but not Gandalf)
Thx for the explanation below for the John T McFarland (first noted by me in Salvation Army Carol Book) against last v of "Away in a Manger". I love this verse, try substituting "people" for "children", makes a great prayer.

Mrs Helen Sheen nee Skelding, Cardiff:
My family were members of this parish going back many years. The history of the area is beautifully preserved.

Mrs Page, Weir
A truly wonderful website. I have been searching for information relating to my ancestors who were married in your church. The website has brought a new dimension into my research.
Many thanks
Glynis Page

I came across your website whilst researching the symbology of The Holy Trinity with my son. What an excellent site, very informative and a delight to browse unlike some of the drier versions on offer. Best wishes to you all & thanks for a great tour, you have a parish that can be justifiably proud of its website.

Liz Walker
Together with a goodly number this evening we shared the opening of the International Glass Festival in the viewing of the M.A. students work. There are some amazing pieces of glass and the atmosphere, kindled by the light and shade created a place where the skills, talents and dedication of the next generation of glassmakers are truly worthy of their forebears. I look forward to the churchyard trail to find the graves of local eminent glassmakers. If you are interested in the history of the area and the glassmakers there is a series of novels by Donna Baker ( regrettably out of print but still around ) which uses the area. They are titled Crystal, Black Cameo and Chalice - worth a read if you can find them: if anyone has the first two I would be grateful to buy them from you, I lent mine and they have not returned but I keep looking!! I hope many visitors will enjoy the exhibition and share the enthusiasm of the students for their ideas, talents and skills

Many thanks for a superb site.
Very Best Regards

Liz Walker
To everyone who uses the site for information and ideas, please go to our two music pages for inspiration and collective worship in a church setting (school eucharists etc ) It really is a good listen for all ages!!

helen shakespeare
For anyone visiting this site who is interested in family tree research, the following is a very good website.  www.bmsgh.org/wmbmd

Christine Corker
Good day yesterday Facing the Interregnum. Brilliant web site, will visit more often

Helen Shakespeare
Its been ages since I visited our site, but after today's meeting, thought I would pay a visit. I'm most impressed! and delighted to see the site has been visited by people far and wide. I may be able to provide some site addresses for people to visit for "family tree". I'll post them here next week when I've found out.

John Greenfield
Er hello!
I have recently bought a gent's silver wristwatch with an inscription on the back.The inscription reads... Rev H M Crabbe, the gift of a few friends at Amblecote. August 7th 1916.I would expect that the watch was quite an expensive purchase when it was new and it is interesting to ponder how much of an impact the Rev Crabbe had had on his friends for them to make him such a gift after only 3 years in situ. Thank you for such a useful website that enabled me to track down the Rev Crabbe so easily. There are a lot of clerics with this name in other records. If anyone has any remarks to offer about the Rev Crabbe I would be pleased to receive them on jon.greenfield3@ntlworld.com
John Greenfield

Natalie Nicholls
I am currently living at The Royal Oak (Opposite the church) I have been trying to find out some history about the pub, as we would all find it interesting. I have contacted the library, they don't really know much, but they told us that you might know some valuable information that I seek. So I was just wondering if you could get in touch. Look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks.
It may well be worth contacting Amblecote History Society.

Dorothy Margaret Rand (Ryder)
My grandfathers family resided in Amblecote. He was born 1879/80. His name was George James Henry Ryder and he married Margaret Hannah Lycett at Tamworth
 in 1901. He later moved to Keresley, Coventry. I would like to know if anyone related to me still lives in or around Amblecote.

Calvary Comics
Alec Stevens, noted illustrator for The New York Times Book Review and The New Yorker, has published a new graphic novel, Sadhu Sundar Singh, under his own Calvary Comics imprint. Sadhu is a full color, perfect bound volume, 48 pages in length, $6.95 US. Synopsis: the true story of a wealthy Sikh in post-Victorian India who becomes a penniless follower of Jesus Christ. Genuine signs and wonders mark the life of this man of God as he crosses the Himalayas to bring the Gospel message into then-forbidden Tibet and other surrounding regions, often imperiling his own life. A riveting and unforgettable testimony.

Terry Diana Tagg
I am a descendant of the Reverend John Malsbury Kirby. His widow Elizabeth Kirby and five of his children lived in the Hamlet of Amblecote according to the 1841 Census of England. Elizabeth was a Governess of a School. I would dearly love to hear from any parish members who are interested in Genealogy who might be able to provide me with further information about the Kirby family. One of their sons, Edward Charles Kirby went to Japan and founded the Kobe Steel Works and shipbuilding industry and another, George Edmund Kirby was a Civil Engineer.  Look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Terry Tagg (Ms)

Mrs Dorothy Margaret Rand nee Ryder, Coventry
My Grandfather was born in Amblecote around 1879/1880 . His name was George James Henry Ryder and I wondered if there was anyone still in Amblecote related to me. He married Margaret H Lycett in 1901 at Tamworth and eventually moved to Keresley, Coventry.
Thank you

Mr.  Hernan, Santa Fe - Argentina
At present , this MESSAGE-ADVICE from the Lord Jesus Christ unto every human being all over the world, represents the final LIVING-TRUE GOD’S CALLING that every one, which He did predestinated may obtain SALVATION before His IMMINENT SECOND TIME COMING both TO CATCH UP HIS CHURCH and TO BURN with EVERLASTING FIRE to every one which did not Obey His Gospel (for there is no respect of persons with God). Therefore, whosoever you are REPENT YOURSELF AND SHALL RECEIVE THE EVERLASTING MERCY OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who is THE ONLY ONE LIVING GOD BOTH EVERLASTING, CREATOR, SUSTAINER, TESTATOR and SAVIOUR. A-MEN. Visit please: http://www12.brinkster.com/jesusregresa

Reply sent 04/07/06

Hi Lucy, so glad you are using the technology, much preferred to mobile phones. We thought lots about and prayed for you at Walsingham this weekend and I know many will be mightily pleased to hear that you are enjoying some TLC at home! We shall really look forward to seeing you on the 25th and hearing all your news and future plans. Shall continue to think and pray for you and trust the results will be all you hope for.All blessings and our love
Liz & Mike and I am sure all the rest!

Lucy Quarmby
A big hello to everyone at Amblecote! After a rather hectic time of exams and house removals, I am safely ensconced in my parents' house. I am returning to Birmingham in a week or so and hope to be back in Holy Trinity on Sunday 25th June.Hope to see as many friends there as possible.
All my love
Lucy xxx

Liz Walker
it is really good to read through the messages from time to time and recognise the interest worldwide there is about the message of the gospel which we preach and is so ably kept up to date by our amazing web master and how useful the resources are to the world wide church. It was really good to hear from Dennis Abbott. He was one of a large group who came to us and really kept us on our toes and we really missed him when he left the district. It is so good that his ministry continues and that he is seeking ordination. I know that I will be joined by many others when we meet with ~ Father Anthony and St Paulinus at Walsingham this weekend. We shall pray for you there and continue to keep you in our prayers as you approach the great day. Please let us know when and where. With every blessing to all who visit us and especially those who have been part of our church family.
Liz Walker  Reader.

Mr Dennis Abbott, Stone, Staffordshire:
Hello, I attended Holy Trinity in the late 80's and early 90's. I was Beaver leader with the scout group, and was confirmed by Antony Lane in 1991. I have been a Reader at St Michael & St Wulfad in Stone since Jan 2000 and am undertaking training for ordination as OLM. I have happy memories of Amblecote and the people there.
God bless.

Rev Ann Pollington, Honiton Devon:
We at St. Paul's Church are having a 'discovery day' on Saturday 10th June, I have used your web page to add to the details we shall be giving to people as they wander around our church and look at our vestments etc. discovering something about the church, themselves and hopefully about God. Keep up the good work. (I shall acknowledge where I have found the information so you may well get some more hits after Saturday.)

Jenny Green
I am trying to find information about my grandfather George Herbert Nash and his wife Lilian who lived in King William St in 1901. My sister believes Lilian was buried in your churchyard but we found no trace either on your list or when we visited. Any information about the family or surviving relatives would be welcome as I have limited knowledge of their son, my father, who died when I was young. We enjoyed visiting the churchyard which is so well cared for. Thank you.
Dear Jenny,
This problem of believing that someone is buried at Holy Trinity and being unable to find them comes up from time to time. The list on the website is a Memorial Index and not a Burial Index. It is a list of the memorials (headstones, grave markers etc.) which were found when the list was compiled some years ago. Just because someone is not in the Memorial Index it does not mean that they are not buried in the Churchyard; it just means that no memorial was found, or could be read, when the Memorial Index was being compiled. To discover if your grandfather was buried at Holy Trinity you would need to consult the Burial Index. Only the latest index is kept in Church, and this shown burials in the last 10 years, all older index books are deposited with the Dudley Archives. The contact details for Dudley Archives are quoted from their website:- 'We occupy a converted school building in Mount Pleasant Street, Roseville, Coseley, West Midlands. WV14 9JR. There is ample free car parking on site, or if you want to come by train, we are 10 minutes walk away from Coseley railway station.  There are frequent trains from Birmingham New Street - Wolverhampton.  We are a 2 minute walk away from a main bus route. Bus numbers 125 and 126 run between Birmingham, Dudley and Wolverhampton along the Birmingham New Road, stopping at the row of shops at Roseville near Bank Street.  Bus number 581 stops on Ivy House Lane, Coseley.
Telephone: 01384 812770 Fax: 01384 812770 Email: archives.centre@dudley.gov.uk' Their useful and very informative website is:
also found on the 'Links Page' I do hope that this helps in some way,

Miss Louise Arrand, Doncaster Holy Trinity
I came across your website when looking for Trinity Symbols for our Sunday School in readiness for Trinity Sunday. What a well presented site, lots of information about your Church and Parish. Wonderful information about the Church Year, Vestments and Symbols, just the things I was looking for.

Yevgen Safronchyk Kiev voices Art Director, Singer,Honoured Artist of Crimea, Kiev 01135, Ukraine
Christian Greetings from Kiev
Before you will read our letter we, kindly RECCOMEND you to visit the page [MULTIMEDIA] on our refreshed www.kievvoices.narod.ru; you can hear us. {At about 4 or 5 minutes your computer will be created OUR MUSIC} We are "Kiev -voices"-the creative group of professional musicians and singers. At the moment we continue our work for arrangement of charity concert tours, directed at financial help to
 orphan and homeless children of Ukraine. Our project we realize by support of the head of British charity organization "New Beginnings " Pat Wright MBE /Vineyard cottage 45,Appleby Road,Kendal,Cumbria LA 9 6ES UK,tel.01539-727158,E-mail address: andrey@atlantiskitchens.co.uk ---http://www.streetchildren.co.uk - Our concert consist of two parts. In the first one, commented by an interpreter with piano or organ accompaniment will be performed Selected works of Ukrainian 19 ct. church music, little known to English, Scottish and Welsh audience. The second part acquaints you with Ukrainian musical song folklore, presented by artists in national costumes. Also we introduce to you the unique Ukrainian string instrument BANDOURA, its sounding you can listen to at www.kievvoices.narod.ru - Proceeding from our previous experience of touring in UK, we ask as far as possible a hospitality/meals and accommodation /for 4 musicians in private families for 1-2 nights before/after the concert and transportation assistance to our next venue/ora lift to nearest coach station on a case of long journey /. - Taking in account our English friends*wishes and opinions .we have determined date of our tours in UK: the second half of September and Octobre-2006; in spring 2007—April and May.__ - We greatly hope. If you are interested in having a concert, please contact me

Jackie Crump
I am tracing my family tree and I have managed to locate our great grandparents grave, John and Sarah Crump in the grave yard. However I am reliably informed that other relatives are buried there as well But I can not find the graves. I am looking for Cyril Crump and Elsie Crump (nee Fellows). My husband can remember visiting the grave as a child but the church yard appears to have been revamped. It looks wonderful but where have our relatives graves gone?
Jackie left her contact details and so if anyone can help please contact the Webmaster and you message will be forwarded.

w e roberts
site just gets better and better noticed the message from val with photo of pelican really good keep up the good work mike

Mrs. Dion Elizabeth Heywood, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.:
My cousin who resides in Canada referred this site to me because it is the church where my great grand grandmother was married in 1875 Jane Bell.

Ms. P Furmidge, East Preston:
I am very pleased to see your web site which is full of interesting information. My great grandparents married at Trinity Church, Amblecote on Christmas Day, 1875. I really appreciate being able to see pictures and sketches of the Church.

I have just browsed through you archived messages and one dated 22/04/2004 caught my eye regarding Pelicans and the use thereof by one... Ernie.
I have enclosed my favourite Pelican picture taken here at Bateman's Bay NSW.  I have no idea what the vicars sermon would have been about. But I see the Pelican Choir, and seagull's as audience as it happened! Thought you may wish to share it with Ernie.
Kindest regards,
Val Cohen  Australia.

Ms. Val Cohen, Mansfield Victoria Australia
Appreciate the on going additions to the site, and hope it continues to grow.

Mrs Staler, New York
I was looking for something else and ran across this site. I really like the layout and colors you chose. Regards!

Mr Allan Svensson, Sweden
Hi, I found your Web Site by Google, and I wish you the best you can get, the peace of God through Jesus Christ. Welcome to visit my Site. http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/INDEX.HTM
What is living faith? None be saved by law-deeds, Gal. 2:16,and none be saved without faith-deeds. Matt. 7:21-23. http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE13.HTM
God's Law and God's Gospel http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE15.HTML
The Trinity http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE66.HTM
What is a revival? How does a revival rise? http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE86.HTM

Mr Martin Morgan, windsor, ontario, canada
my grandfathers family came from amblecote. i have been trying to trace any connections, to his brother gilbert wheelwright who was lost in the great war, i find that his name is on the lych gate, thanks for your site. p.s. if you have any further information on the wheelwright family from 110 king william street i would be eternally grateful, i intend to visit the holy trinity church when i next return to england,
martin morgan

Mrs. Karen Marsh, Wordsley, Stourbridge
Very good I hope the updates will be soon

Dr: Kara N. Slade, Portsmouth, Virginia, US
While recovering from a bout of illness I thought I would look at the websites of random parishes dedicated to the Holy Trinity around the world, and yours was the first site outside America that I found. My parish (Trinity, Portsmouth, VA) was founded in 1762 ('old' by American standards) and is today a thriving community worshipping in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. (As, it seems, your parish is as well!) Strangely enough, the east end of our church looks very similar to yours in many of its architectural details. If you would like to visit us online, we are at www.trinityportsmouth.org. Wishing you all the best for the Epiphany season - if you would like to email me knslade@earthlink.net  I would love to hear from you.
Yours faithfully,
Kara Slade Verger, Trinity Parish, Portsmouth, Virginia


Valerie Jean Cohen
What a treasure of a site. brilliant.
Dear Father Paul,
First let me wish you and your parishioners a very Merry Christmas. You have no Idea what a gift this is, finding on the net the Holy Trinity Church, there in Amblecote. My Parents Grace Thomason and Saper Alexander Webster were married there in the war years '43 I believe, by the Rev. R. H. Fowler. Not mentioned on your lists. My Grandparents were buried there and are Edith and George Thomason who I am 100% sure are the ones on your incomplete names list. When I was 11 around 1956, we returned to Amblecote for a fast visit, having travelled around the U.K. and overseas. Mother wouldn't tell us why we were walking around the grave yard, she was very distressed. Only many years later did she tell me that's where Grandad went! Also on your message board one Mr Jones enquiring about the cottages where one of his relatives lived. Well so did mine. The knight sisters, can't remember the number, I was three at last visit there! Edith Thomason [deceased] was nee knight, who I am trying to trace at the moment along with the Thomason relatives. I would love to hear from you and any of the congregation that can help me. We lived at No 3 Primrose Hill Wordsley where grandad died, and we 'Websters' moved to Hampshire. Since then both my parents died, I married [and divorced] and now live in Victoria, Australia.
God bless you too!
Valerie-Jean Cohen

In ref to the word Coelis, we used it as one of our motto's in the Airborne (Ex Coelis). We were told that it meant something like 'from the clouds'. Not sure of the accuracy, but it may give an alternate spin
Thank you Darryl - clouds, heavens all begins to fit.

Anita Hillman

Mr Steve Barrett, Las Vegas, USA
We would be honored if you would visit and sign our Guest Book at christiandatemate.com. Please tell our readers about your ministry and let them know there is a friendly congregation in your area. In addition, we want to promote Christian businesses and ministries and help them become known on the web. Your site is warm and exalts the name of Jesus! God’s Blessings,
Steve Barrett


Mrs  Katharin Goodland, Backwell, North Somerset
this is one of the best websites I have seen. Just about everything you need to know about the church, services, Holy days is there.....it's brilliant!  well done.

Mr Wayne Burman,
I came across your site as I was researching the English meaning of the motto below the Burman coat of arms, which I found on the web today while helping my daughter with her homework! I searched google using SPES TUTISSIMA COELIS and got your bells page, where you say "This bell bore the following inscription:-C. & G. Mears, Founders, London. Spes tuttusima in coelis. John William Grier, Incumbent, Charles William Firmstone, William England, Churchwardens, 1859. (We believe that there must be a mistake in the records as the Latin term "Spes tuttusima in coelis" cannot be translated.)" I have found out that SPES means Hope, TUTIS means protected, safe, secure, so I guess TUTISSIMA means safety, security or protection, but I am struggling with COELIS. I thought I would let you know all this in case the SPES TUTISSIMA COELIS is what shoudl have been on your bell and not Spes tuttusima in coelis? Also you may be interested to know that there are Burmans going back many years in your neck of the woods. See http://www.burman.dsl.pipex.com/intro.html and http://www.solihull-online.com/burman.htm All I want is to find the meaning of COELIS, do you know what it is?
Many thanks.
Wayne Burman
Thank you for your e-mail about the inscription “spes tuttusima in coelis” and your ideas which I found really interesting. It is the “coelis” which seems to cause the problem as all the on line Latin to English translators have no suggestions for the term. If you type coelis into Google though you get a number of musical references – ie Choral Work - Descendit de Coelis (2004),Descendit de coelis (William Byrd) or Gaudent in coelis (Tomas Luis de Victoria) I have just found the following reference on the Amazon website which might offer an explanation.  Gaudent in coelis. Glorious in Heaven. Edited by R. R. Terry (Novello's Series of Tudor Motets) So if coelis refers to heaven the bells would read something like “The surest hope is in heaven” However when you put heaven into the English to Latin translator the nearest you get is caelicola -ae adj. [dwelling in heaven]; as subst. [a god]. caeles -itis [heavenly]; as subst. , [a dweller in heaven, god].Thank you for the information about Burmans (though there are none in our Memorial Index that I can find) I shall certainly look at your website with great interest.
Best wishes, Webmaster

Mrs. Barbara Burrows, Retford  Notts
A Great site especially the one on vestments. As a Teacher this is just the job. I'm sure the children will find this easy to understand.
Thank you.

Ms.  ??: New York
A comprehensive resource which includes a hard engine for thousands of resources. Lets try. Nothing more.

Joseph Jones
In touch with a very distant relative, geographically and genealogically, who has found connections with Amblecote. Her maternal gt-grandparents lived at Holloway End and then in the small cottages on the Main Road next to the churchyard from 1870 onwards. Father was John James, b 1826, and Mother was Susannah, b 1842 but not baptised until 1845, and who died 1887. Their eldest son was John William James, b 1866. John and Susannah were buried in the churchyard and a headstone erected. I recently managed a short visit to search for the grave, without success regrettably, but did find the grave of what must have been their son John William, wife Annie and children Lilian and Dorothy. So, is there a possibilty of a grave index with arecord of the locations ? This would be of great value. And would anyone happen to know how old those cottages really are ?
Many thanks for an excellent website and for any assistance you may be able to give.
The Memorial Index shows no reference to a Susannah Jones, this does not mean that she is not buried in the Churchyard only that no headstone was found when the memorial index was created. This index does have a plan of where the graves are situated and could be viewed on request. I would suggest that you ring the Vicar - Canon Paul Tongue on 01384 394057. Fr Paul is a fund of knowledge about Amblecote and may also be able to assist with information about the cottages. The actual Burial Index for this period is now deposited with the Dudley Archives & Local History Services, Mount Pleasant Street, Coseley, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 9JR  Telephone 01384 812770. I hope that this is some help to you.  Webmaster

Mike Breese
I read the message from Graham Breese concerning the two brothers Alfred and William Breese who are commemorated on the Amblecote War Memorial. My ancestors also lived in Amblecote. The 1861 Census has my widowed great-great grandmother Emma Breese living with two of her sons William H (born 1844)and Edward (born 1846)in Dennis. Her other son Charles (born 1848), my paternal great grandfather, then aged 12, was a boarder at Old Swinford Hospital school. I would imagine that Graham and I are related in some way. It would be great to hear from him so that we can compare notes. I can be contacted via e-mail at lanehead@tesco.net I also hope to visit Amblecote in the next week or so and you may notice me searching amongst the gravestones !!

Mr. Allan Svensson, Sweden
I found your Website by surfing on the Internet and I wish you the best you can get, the peace of God through Jesus Christ. Welcome to visit my Site.http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/INDEX.HTM Glory to God and his dear Son Jesus Christ, the great Revival is coming.
Revival is a hackneyed word. Many have used this word to gather people around themselves, instead of around Jesus. And people think any revival is not coming. They refer to 2 Thess. 2:3 and tell about the great Apostasy. But this Apostasy has take place a very long time ago, and is still continuing. The great Apostasy is NOW! The great Apostasy happened a very long time ago. The entire Christendom was lead astray by false shepherds and preachers, which preached false doctrines. Since then, God's people have been slaves under lots of denominations and churches. Before Jesus comes, God's people must be released from all denominations and churches, the great Babylon. Therefore, a real Revival must come before Jesus comes. Rev. 18:4-5 is an extremely powerful revival message from the Lord. Very few Christians have obeyed this revival message of the Lord, and left the great Babylon. Before Jesus comes all Christians must obey this command of the Lord. Otherwise God will judge them as partakers in the sins of the great harlot, and they get their part in her plagues. During more than 40 years I have written about this. Please, read more on my Website. What is a revival? How does a revival rise?  http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE86.HTM The Body of Christ, the most valuable that exists on the earth, but the people lack knowledge http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE91.HTM My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE92.HTM God's Law and God's Gospel http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/PAGE15.HTM
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ
Allan Svensson, Sweden

Miss ???, New York
Hello, I liked you site very much. But maybe you should change the color of the background on the site?

Rev  ??? New York:
Hello, I have sent you a letter.
Reply sent but returned as undeliverable.

May I thank you for your very quick reply to my query about Private Alfred and Private William Breese. I will now try and pursue the history further.Once again thank you I am very grateful.
Kind Regards,
Graham Breese.

Graham Breese
Could anyone help me find out more about Private Alfred Breese and Private W. Breese. These names as you know are listed on your memorial of the fallen during the Great War. Also, could anyone tell me if there are any Breeses buried in the church yard. The reason for me asking is that my ancestors lived in Amblecote during the mid/late 19th. century.I do not want to put anyone to any great trouble.
Yours Sincerely,
Graham Breese.
From the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website it appears that these were two brothers, the sons of William and Lucy Breese, who lived at 61, Collis Street, Amblecote, Stourbridge. Alfred (26) is commemorated on the Ypres Menin Gate Memorial in Belgium and William (22) in the Messines Ridge British Cemetery also in Belgium. The following four Breeses are listed in the Memorial Index - A., Hannah., Thomas., and W. (The memorial index is not definitive in as much as it is not a complete burial index, rather a list of names on memorials, and it is still in the process of being updated).  

Mrs. Amanda ????, New York
Hello. I liked the design of your site but had some problems with navigation. But still - you have made a very good and interesting site. thank you, Amanda.
Reply sent but bounced due to non existent e-mail account.

Suzanne Taylor   New Zealand
I am trying to locate the people who live in a house on the opposite side of the road to the church, high street, stourbridge towards Amblecote village, the house used to be a Ballet and Tap dance school with blue wooden gates,I believe the owner then was a Mrs Attwood. Contact me at ukconnections@xtra.co.nz
Reply sent 06/06/2005

Mr. Michael Wass, harrisville.wv

Mr. Christopher Jacob, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
I once attended Sunday service at this church in 1993. The people were very friendly to me and to this day I cherish the memories and the meaningful service. The priest was Rev, Ralph....... Thank You

Mr. Andrew Thompson, Amblecote
Lots of information about the Church and its activities

Mr. ?, New York
Its the second time I visited your web site. Looks interesting. However, Id recommend you thought of a new design.

Reply sent 09/01/2005


Mr ?, New York
Nice website and interesting content. Thanks.

Thank you, Michael Wass, for your greetings. I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas. A memory of Christmas at Amblecote: When I was there, it was the tradition, on Christmas Eve, for someone to be chosen to carry the 'Bambino' from the back of the Church to the altar for it to be received by the priest, placed on a red cushion (held by Arthur Ball) and then carried back down the Church to be placed in the crib in the children's corner. In, I think, 1968 I asked Kath Nation, my wonderful sacristan, to do this. We began 'O Come, all ye Faithful' and Kath set out from the back. I immediately noticed that she was walking in the most extraordinary way, as if her knees were tied together and she had a very concentrated expression. She arrived at the altar rail, where Arthur and I were waiting, and I bent down to receive the baby Jesus. She said something very urgently but because of the music I could not catch what it was she was trying to tell me. Twice I asked her to repeat it and finally she said, in a loud voice, 'Be careful, Father, the head's come off'. Indeed it had and I had to carry the Child whilst holding the body and the head together. Not many noticed and we had the usual, joyful, midnight mass. Christmas and New year greetings to you all.
John Hencher

I would like to say happy Christmas to John Hencher.
Michael Wass

A superb website which I now find that I look at regularly.
Rev John Hencher, Pembridge

Thank you John for your good wishes and I will certainly convey them to Father Paul, Rose and Janet Hill, Mary Chance Arthur Ball etc. Bernard Hewins was awarded the highest honour in Scouting this evening, the Sliver Acorn in front of a packed church full of young and young in heart people!! It was amazing and this in addition to his OBE from the Queen last year. Marion and Michael Wass are now regular members of our Monday morning congregation - Tom died in May and Marion misses him immensely. Michael shares a house within supported accommodation and does very well. I am supposed to have retired but still helping the wheels of education to turn and love going into a variety of schools. Mike has retired but he still keeps the railway authorities and the servers on their toes. I do hope you haven't laid down the preaching cudgel completely and are still keeping in touch within the Church in Wales. I did hear you on thought for the day once!!!best wishes and all blessings
Liz Walker
Thanks for responding

I think that your website is superb. Quite the best I have seen. Thank you Liz Walker - I remember you with great affection. I retired only last August, aged 73 and although I spent only 6 years at Amblecote I have very many happy memories of my time there. My warmest good wishes to Fr Paul and to you all.
John Hencher

When you can't sleep and thinking of all sorts of things to visit my spiritual home via the web site was both interesting and refreshing. I've learnt things about some of our family through the war memorial page - thanks for that. the date of the next meeting for the History Society - useful ( and a reminder of church council!) and looking at the Archive site I remember Harry Gardener and John Hencher from earlier days. If John visits the site again our good wishes and hope he is enjoying life (retirement) I guess. He must have been pleased to see the site and refresh his memory. He was instrumental in the re-ordering of the church in the 1960's and his reading of a Dylan Thomas Childs Christmas in Wales and his description in a children's service of the entry to Jerusalem and the way to the cross on Good Friday !965 I have never forgotten!
Liz Walker

Andrey Sysoev
"Lyra" vocal ensemble,St. Petersburg, Russia, Russian a cappella vocal ensemble "LYRA"
Dear Friends,
We are a Russian a cappella vocal ensemble "LYRA" from St. Petersburg. Our singing group consists of 5 members (2 female and 3 male) that are educated either as an opera singers in St. Petersburg Conservatory. At the same time we are a part of the Vocal Choir Community "LYRA". We are searching for new friendly contacts and venues. We hope this information will be interesting for you. Firstly let us tell you about our repertoire. It is pretty large: apart of sacred, folk and secular Russian music, we also perform romances and arias from operas by Russian and world composers. The main aim of our activity is to make Russian Church music well known in other countries by concerts and singing in ecumenical worships, and also to bring traditions of Russian folk music to people who are interested in Russia, its history and its culture. From time to time groups from our community go with concert tours to European countries: Germany, Switzerland and USA. In March 2004 our singing group got back from the second concert tour around Ireland and Great Britain that went very successfully. (We went on this trip as a quartet.) Now we are trying to get in touch with musicians, music organizations, parishes and all people in your country who are interested in a cappella music. And if you had such interest and you could assist us in arranging a recital we would appreciate your help very much. If you find you could help us to organize a performance, we would be much thankful to you if you contact us. If you have any questions you are very welcome to visit our WEB site at www.lyra-online.org  where you can also listen to some of our music, or just send us your questions via e-mail and we will try to answer all of them. For references you can contact the following persons: (Contact names and addresses have been supplied - Webmaster) We would also appreciate if you forwarded this information to those who could be interested in it.
Thank you in advance. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards
Andrey Sysoev

Dr ?, New York
Nice resource. Thanks :)

just a thought, at the last meeting of the history society, members were asked for views on a "home" for the history items collected, I think rather than leaving the church area ie ruskin museum, the church hall or somewhere within the church itself should be thought of.

Mr ???, New York
Hello. Where did you get your guestbook script?
Reply sent but returned as undeliverable.

Mr ?, New York
Êëàññíûé ñàéò. Ïîëó÷èë áîëüøå óäîâîëüñòâèå îò ñåðôèíãà
The Webmaster has no knowledge of Russian but an online translation reads Class site. Was obtained more pleasure from serfinga

Mary  Myers, Saltburn by the Sea,  North Yorkshire
Very interesting to know that the Church is built of fire brick, my maternal family were workers in the brickyards. my uncle, Harry Gardener, was a sidesman at Amblecote.

The last few weekends have been spent in Watchit (Somerset). I found a really interesting church (St Decumans) plenty of history. The church has a school called the Knights Templar School

Your resources on Sadhu Sundar Singh Just noticed the pictures, and the short bio of him on your website, so...People who visit your site, searching for a complete book by Sadhu Sundar Singh, might be very interested in "Wisdom of the Sadhu". This online book can be read either online as as a series of articles, or downloaded as an 207 page Ebook. Please consider linking to it. Bruderhof Communities - Wisdom of the Sadhu by Sadhu Sundar Singh  http://www.bruderhof.com/e-books/WisdomSadhu.htm
Rene LeBlanc Bruderhof Web Team

Suzanne Wood, England
can u please send me information on spiritual monks
(Reply sent)

hi every one
Father Paul has mentioned and included in his sermons lately The Pelican feeding her young. This prompted me to ask questions on other web sites about the meaning.The Pelican as Farther Paul says is feeding her young with her blood. I am not very good at putting into words the church meaning and the work of the Lord but the thought is there and I understand. I am a member of a society that has used the Pelican for the very same reason for over 500 hundred years, which is all very interesting and helpful in life's studies.
thank you

William Granger
I looked over your website, and thought it has a great deal of interesting information. Looking at your pictures, wondered if there was a listing of who is buried in your cemetery. Any Graingers or Coxes?   
Dear William, thank you for your message. We do have a list of burials in the Churchyard which was completed a number of years ago. Two of our lady members are in the very process of updating the list but this is a long and rather tedious job. If you would care to send your e-mail address to me at webmaster I will endeavour to provide an answer to your question. It may be helpful if you could provide more details of the people you are looking for such as forenames and approximate dates of death. 

Hi Jim,
Welcome to the parish. We are a friendly lot. Come and join us for coffee after Sunday Mass and you will soon get to know people.

How are you all doing? I would just to say I am new to my local parish and does anyone want to talk to me? 
I am a lonely soul.
Jim Lebert

Mr William Granger, La Mesa, California
My great great Grandparents were married in your church in 1872 (July 21st to be exact) and I wanted to see what I could find out about your church. I hope to visit your church some day.


mike just had to mention,
your help with the organ music last Sunday 18/01/2004 went down very well .I did mean to call and thank you.
all the best
Thanks Ernie,
I think we have someone who can do the job professionally about to join us.

Thanks for the information. I still think 4 purple candles look better!

Advent is a penitential season, just like Lent. We are called to fast, to pray, and to perform good works to prepare ourselves for the great Feast of Christmas. The liturgical colour of violet, or purple, symbolises humility and penitence. This is why the candles of the Advent Wreath are purple, with the exception of the third candle, which is rose, or pink. On the Third Sunday of Advent, the 'mood' lifts as the Church begins to look forward to the Coming of the Christ Child, and this joyful waiting is represented by the lighter colour of the candle and vestments.' This is quoted from the Catholic Encyclopaedia for Advent - I hope that this helps.

Can anyone please let me know what is the significance of the pink candle on the Advent Wreath?And on what Sunday should it be lit? I was once told we should light it on the 3rd Sunday when the Epistle tells us to 'rejoice'. But what has pink to do with rejoicing? Someone else thought we should light it on Advent 4 to represent Mary. But I always associate Mary with blue, not pink. I should be grateful if someone could enlighten me -- not that it really matters as we prefer to have four candles of the same colour. But each Advent when the candles arrive and someone asks why one is pink, it would be good if I had the right answer. Eirlyn

hi mike
thanks for the link this is one I visited. The catholic one is more informative I think but other sights as well have a lot to explore.
I shall add that link too for you Ernie

just visited Walsingham web page loads of info and a lot of sites to visit with some good photos,which must be nice for those who have had the pleasure to visit personally.
I have added a link to the Walsingham website on the "links page" for those who would like to look for themselves. Webmaster.

The Walsingham experience is something both Joan and myself would be interested in but at the moment will have to be put on hold however I will check on the web site. Rosslyn chapel is a place of interest to me also, although I have never been. A place I do visit  is Rochester Cathedral a mural is in the process of being completed/ John the Baptist and can be viewed on the web/
all the best

Thanks Ernie for suggesting a message board, this is my first foray into such experiences.  we need to print out some of the pages so that those who do not use technology can see how we can tell the whole world all about us.  I think that is quite awesome. Some members of the church family are planning a pilgrimage to Walsingham in May.  This pilgrimage is an annual event and everyone is very welcome to join in.  It really is a super weekend and yes Ernie the place abounds in ancient and twentieth century history as well
 as wonderful Norfolk countryside. It is a very spiritual place and we all gain much from the experience as well as having time to relax ,chat, laugh and enjoy the odd cup of tea and sumptuous cake in the village. It might be worth looking up a website -I'm sure there must be one! I learnt a lot about a carol I have always taken very much for granted until this year, the Christmas prayer focus and the sermon before Christmas helped me to really look at the words again, and whilst I do like the traditional tune - I have learnt a new tune which I think helps adults to really think about the words.
Liz Walker

just visited the amblecote history page which I think is very good, has any body else any comments or thoughts

Miss Wendy Roberts, Manchester


hi ash
ernie from uk 
thank you for your very informative message ,I have had loads of info on this hymn i think Lowel mason wrote this hymn he was a collegue of murray, kirkpatrick, and luther I think. but I will research further. hows hong kong take care.

Hongkong Mon 29 Dec 2003 (5:30 am)
Dear  Ernie,
The following may duplicate information that you already have:-Away in a Manger: the Luther myth. Contrary to popular belief, and the notes in countless hymbooks, "Away In A Manger" was not written by Martin Luther. In fact, the song is not at all in the style of Luther's songs, and is virtually unknown in Germany! The words were, in fact, found in a Lutheran Sunday school book published in 1885, in Philadelphia. Whence the confusion? Apparently it began when James R. Murray published the songs in a children's songbook with the subtitle "Luther's Cradle Hymn (Composed by Martin Luther for his children and still sung by German mothers to their little ones)." The poem may have been written by Murray himself. Luther did, of course, write a number of hymns, including the Christmas songs, "From heaven above to Earth I Come" ("Vom Himmel hoch"), "All Praise to Thee, Eternal Lord," and "Savior of the Nations, Come" ("Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland"[translated from a fourth century hymn by Ambrose of Milan]). Away in a Manger Words: Anonymous Music: German melody In 1224, St. Francis of Assisi was wrestling with a problem. The Gospel message had become so intellectual that it was cold and dogmatic. "It must be simplified so that it might appeal to the heart of the common people," he resolved. Then an idea came to him. "Why not dramatize the Christmas story? The common folk will then be able to better understand the meaning of Christmas." So he had a manger and all the trappings of a stable placed in his church at Graecia, Italy. On Christmas Eve, the members of his parish came to the church, and there, before their very eyes, were Joseph and Mary, and the Child in the manger. The people rejoiced! Christmas had never seemed so real to them. Since that time, the manger has become the subject of many Christmas carols and lullabies. One of the best known of these is "Away in a Manger." This song is generally referred to as "Luther's Cradle Hymn." In 1887, the tune appeared in print in North America, with the subheading, "Composed by Martin Luther for his children, and still sung by German mothers to their little ones." The authorship of the lyrics has never been verified, and the source of the tune is still unknown. Some say it could have been composed by a member of a German Lutheran colony from Pennsylvania.
1) History. This precious Christmas Song--probably one of the first your children ever learned--has an undocumented history. As with many of the favorite carols and hymns, this one was thought to have its origins in Germany. For a long time it was known as "Luther's Cradle Hymn" and was thought to have been written by Martin Luther for his own children. Most historians today, discount that. In 1835, stanzas one and two appeared in the "Little Children's Book" published in Philadelphia. The 3rd stanza was written by Dr. John T. McFarland (1851-1913) when he needed an extra stanza for this carol to be used in a children's day program at his church.
Ashok Mahbubani

Away In A Manger was NOT written by Martin Luther. The confusion came when James R. Murray (1841-1905) published the song in a popular children's songbook as Luther's Cradle Hymn (Composed by Martin Luther for his children and still sung by German mothers to their little ones.) Since the general public took the title at its word and passed it on, the myth continues today. Ironically, the song is virtually unknown in Germany and bears no resemblance to Luther's musical style. In truth, the words came from a poem found inside a Lutheran Sunday school book published in 1885. Where? Not Germany, but Philadelphia, PA USA! James Ramsey. Murray may have written the song himself. For certain, Martin Luther did not write this song. Words: Verses 1 & 2, anon­y­mous, in Lit­tle Child­ren’s Book for Schools and Fam­i­lies, by J. C. File (Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Evan­gel­ic­al Lu­ther­an Church in North Amer­i­ca, 1885). Some sources show the author as Martin Luther; this attribution (incorrect) is based on the title “Luther’s Cradle Hymn,” given to these words by the composer, James Mur­ray, in his Dainty Songs for Lit­le Lads and Lasses (Cincinnati, Ohio: The John Church Co., 1887). Verse 3 is by John Thomas McFarland (1851-1913) Music:“Mueller,” James R. Murray, 1887 Al­tern­ate tune:    “Cradle Song,” Wil­liam J. Kirk­pat­rick, 1895 Although it was once known as "Luther's Cradle Hymn," Martin Luther had nothing to do with the carol. The source of the melody is unknown, but it was likely composed by a member of the German Lutheran colony of Pennsylvania. It is not known who wrote the words; the first two stanzas appeared in the "Little Children's book for Schools and Families," published in 1885. In Britain these words are sung to a different tune. The melody that we are familiar with in the UK is that of William J Kirkpatrick. Hope that this helps a little.
Jack Bennett  Liverpool UK

Mr  w.ernie.roberts, brierley hill
very good site plenty to study will look for more detail later and add comments.

Mr  w.ernie.roberts, brierley hill
second visit very good although couldnt find amblecote history society, or view guest book signings
thank you

Miss Natalia, St.Petersburg
Chamber Man's vocal ensemble from Saint Petersburg  "HERMITAGE"   Russia, St.Petersburg
Dear friends!
Here we apply to You in connection with an unusual cause. We represent a vocal ensemble consisting of six professional singers ( 6 male ) from Russian Orthodox churches and opera companies. Our activities promote the Christian vocal tradition and the Russian Orthodox church music and singing all over the world. We are trying to draw together friends of such historical art and culture by singing traditional liturgical Russian hymns like Gloria, Alleluia, Sanctus, Lord’s prayer etc. using masterpieces of the famous Russian composers such as P.Tchaikovsky, S.Rahmaninov, D.Bortniansky and others. Our concerts last about one hour (in case of two-part concert 1,5 hors including a short interval). The first part of our concert consists of Russian Orthodox sacred music, the second part is Russian folk songs. In spite of the fact that our audience can not always understand Russian the people are frequently moved by the beauty of the melodies. We have already achieved our success in many countries as Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, the U.K. In Autumn 2004 and in Spring 2005  we are planing to visit Great Britain again and we should be grateful for your kind assistance in promoting this initiative in the U.K. We ask You not to be angry with us because of our using You e-mail, we have unfortunately no other means.In every case of interest please get in touch with us.We are waiting for your kind request and remain always at your service. All participants of "Hermitage"
The project manager Natalie Aksuticheva

 liz walker wollaston
This is an interesting way of doing things, it could catch on into a game. I'll start the family, we ought to have sorted J. and D. whilst they are  in Australia!  Do I feel an article for the magazine coming on. there are all sorts of possibilities.

yes mike this is what I had in mind, only time will tell if it bears fruit.

Dear Ernie,
I do hope that this page is what you had in mind. Let us hope that it gets lots of use.
Best wishes,

Dear Webmaster
This morning at church I thought about the web site. Would it be possible to add a message board or something like,  to the site? My thought is ideas come to mind and some visitors to the site or the church family may have an idea and it could be entered on the board. ie : one of the hymns this morning (Away in a manger) was written by an anonymous writer/person from I presume Philadelphia. History being my interest I would like to find out who did write this song. Also the update on the site is very good and you must be congratulated for this. The weekly menu type list for services I find helpful and could be mentioned on a message board.
all the best

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