Holy Trinity

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The Blessed Sacrament is reserved

Communion for the Sick and the Sacrament of Anointing is always available
Please advise the Parish Priest

Baptisms, Weddings and Banns of Marriage
The best way to make arrangements is to email
Father Alan Williams, the Parish Priest, direct

The main doors of the church are reached by several steps which would prove difficult for some visitors to access. Easy wheelchair access is through the vestry door on the south side of the building. A wheelchair is always available in the vestry. As the building is equipped with chairs rather than pews it is possible to be fairly flexible as to the seating position of disabled visitors. Toilet facilities, including those specially designed for the disabled, are at the back of church. Amplification is in place with an induction loop system (switch to “T”). Some hymn books are available in large print. Refreshments are offered in church after major services.

Holy Trinity

Click here

Private Prayer
or just to visit

The Church is normally open for private prayer, or for those just visiting, on weekdays from approximately 9.00am until 5.00pm during the Summer, and from 9.00am until 4.00pm in the Winter.

Prayer Board
This is to be found on the table at the back of Church to enable visitors to leave prayer requests.

Visitors’ Book
This can also be found on the table at the back of Church together with booklets containing information about Holy Trinity and other areas of interest


Weekday Masses

11.00am each Monday

7.00pm each Tuesday

9.30am each Wednesday

Occasional Services
Please see the weekly notice sheet

Sunday Services

8.00 am Low Mass
Traditional Language

10.00 am Solemn Mass
Common Worship

6.00 pm Evening Service